Pokemon Emerald Cheats: Full List of Cheat Codes and How to Use Them - MySmartPrice (2024)

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Pokemon Emerald Cheats: Full List of Cheat Codes and How to Use Them - MySmartPrice (1)

Welcome trainer, to the world of Pokemon Emerald. Launched way back in 2004, Pokemon Emerald was originally developed as a sequel to previous games Crystal, Ruby, and Sapphire. The game is regaining its popularity in peace among retro gamers. Many like me still prefer to play this game over so many other Role-Playing games. The game also brings many tweaks and cheat codes that one can activate using an emulator. Here we present you a list of some most popular and fan-favourite Pokemon Emerald cheats among players.

Table of Contents

Best Emulators to Play Pokemon Emerald and supports Cheat Codes

There are more than a dozen emulators available in the market. But, very few of them are built in a way where they can give the best experience to play Pokemon Emerald and also support using the cheats. Here's the list of Emulators that you can use to play the game the way it was intended to.

There are different emulators for Windows devices and Mac devices,

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Emulators for Windows Devices

  • Visual Boy Advance Emulator
  • Bat Game Boy Advance emulator
  • Higan Game Boy Advance emulator
  • mGBA Game Boy Advance emulator
  • No$ Game Boy Advance emulator

Emulators for Mac devices

  • OpenEmu (for macOS)

How to Use Cheat Codes in Pokemon Emerald

As we have mentioned earlier, our preferred emulator is Visual Boy Advance Emulator so that we will mention the steps with its reference. But you can choose any of the above-mentioned emulators. These steps will work with all of them.

  • Launch the Emulator and navigate to its menu
  • Now select the file, then open the Pokemon Emerald game ROM
  • Once you are in the game, select the cheats menu and then inside the cheat lists
  • From the pop-up menu, select Gameshark
  • Now enter the cheat code you want to apply
  • Hit "OK" twice to go back to the game with the cheat applied

In most cases, you will be able to tap and use the cheats simply, but otherwise, you will need to insert the master code breaker first before using the cheat code menu. If you already know about master code and how to apply it, you can skip the next section, otherwise, follow the steps below to apply the master code.

Tips Befor you get startted

  • Close the cheat code immediately after you get the desired item.
  • Save the game before applying the new cheat code.
  • Apply less than 3 cheats per game for less chance of crashing.
  • Once you apply the shiny Pokemon cheat and encounter the shiny Pokemon turn off the cheat before catching it for a higher catch rate.

Cheat and Master Codes and How to Apply Them

These are the master codes for the Pokemon Emerald game:

  • D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
  • A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

You can simply activate these codes by inserting them in the Gameshark or Action Reply menu. Now that we have learned all the prerequisites, time for us to dig into the lists of cheat codes. Keep in mind that almost every single one of these codes is tried and tested by our fellow gamers in the community. You can use them with the assurance that they will certainly work for the mentioned purpose.

Rare Candy

An essential item that allows its user to level up as well as power up their beloved Pokemon. Having such a unique ability, this is one of the rare items in the game that requires you to complete tasks like solving puzzles and winning a battle. But wait no more; here's a cheat that will help you obtain unlimited rare candy.

  • 82005274 0044
  • BFF956FA 2F9EC50D

Both of these codes will work to achieve the end result.

Cheat Code to Walk Through Walls

As the name describes itself. This allows you to turn into a wall-passing ghost that can walk through any obstacle without a hiccup.

  • 7881A409 E2026E0C
  • 8E883EFF 92E9660D
  • 7881A409 E2026E0C
  • C56CFACA DC167904

Infinite Money

Be the richest lad in town. With the money, you will be able to buy any amount of items in the game. With unlimited money you might not even want to apply any other buyable item cheat ever again. This code unlocks an infinite amount of money for you in the game.

  • C051CCF6 975E8DA1
  • D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
  • A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
  • A57E2EDE A5AFF3E4
  • 1C7B3231 B494738C

Cheat For Shiny Pokemon

If you are a collector, then a shiny hunt is the activity that consumes most of your time. Well, this cheat will help you complete the collection in an instant. This cheat will turn your every wild encounter into a shiny one.

  • F3A9A86D 4E2629B4
  • 18452A7D DDE55BCC

Avoid Random Battles

Do you want to save time and continue hunting your favourite Pokemon in the wild? You can do it easily by avoiding those random battles with those random players that pop up suddenly, wasting anywhere between 2 and 5 min of your hunt.

  • B505DB41 rare ca6E39EA4E

Code for Unlimited Master Ball

A Master Ball is a valuable asset in the game. In each game, you get hold of 1 ball. Thus, players tend to use them on only legendary Pokemon, as they have the ability to catch any Pokemon. Now don't wait for the next game every time to have a Master ball. Get unlimited using this cheat.

  • 958D8046 A7151D70 8BB602F7 8CEB681A
  • 82005274 0001

Code to Gain XP

The most important objective of the game is to level up, and to do so, you need to earn experience points. There’s no fun in the game if you don’t level up continuously. This cheat will enable you to gain 9,999 experience points per battle so that your process to level up gains a significant boost.

  • 82000060270F
  • 82022D48270F
  • 82022F7C270F
  • 8202309C270F
  • 820241F0270F

No Wild Pokemon

Are you poised towards watching particular Pokemon? And you want to reach it without wasting a minute. To save a huge chunk of time, you can use this cheat code which can help you avoid any wild Pokemon, resulting in saving hours of your time.

  • B505DB41
  • 6E39EA4E

Change Wild Pokemon Level

Are you in search of specific-level Pokemon? Or do you simply want to have the highest-level Pokemon to win all those battles? Here's how you can modify levels of wild Pokemon. For this, you will first need to apply a separate master code and then continue with the normal code-applying process. The needed master code is mentioned below.

Master Code

B749822B CE9BFAC1 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

Codes by level:

  • Level 1: 65B97174 4A8FBA5C
  • Level 10: 076F8D1D EE3C0CD9
  • Level 20: B717825B 7A66F6A1
  • Level 30: 640BC06E 716F7457
  • Level 40: 0DD48BFF CA04B434
  • Level 50: 93C37C9C 0419D3FE
  • Level 60: 9B96A548 FC6BDEF8
  • Level 70: 92CEFA5B 8F95C77D
  • Level 80: E5114176 8B9F8080
  • Level 90: C6D0207B 40494F80
  • Level 100: 68770050 678B8139

Wild Pokemon Gender Modifier

Some of the Pokemon evolution need a specific gender to evolve. If you are on the hunt to grab that specific gender Pokemon and want to avoid checking every single Pokemon, just apply the code for that gender. Once you apply the cheat, all the Pokemon in the wild will be of a specific gender.

For male

  • 7F06853C D823D089
  • 7980105E FC3721D0

For female

  • 7F06853C D823D089
  • 0A694B5A 43A6964F

Keep in mind that these cheats only work on Pokemon you encounter in the wild, not those you already have.

Catch Other Trainer's Pokemon

Obtain the Pokemon owned by another trainer with this code. After applying this code and before throwing a Poke ball, make sure to press L+R to get a good egg.

  • B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
  • B8D95CFE 06ED6EA1
  • E151C402 8A229A83
  • 8E883EFF 92E9660D

Pokemon Max Stats

You want to buff any specific stats of your Pokemon to make it invincible? There is a cheat code to max out every possible stat in the game. Select the code corresponding to the stats you want to max out and apply it in the cheat codes.

  • Max attack: 973FBE3F EDC8200D
  • Max SP attack: E9B89F9D C73B5749
  • Max defence: 979050AE 6F56B497
  • Max SP defence: DBC9F375 30D76D78
  • Max HP: 35A039FD B90C0C5B
  • Max speed: 35B2E18D FC573426

Pokemon Nature Modifier

Training depends on a Pokemon’s Nature. There will be a difference between one stat growing faster and another stat growing slower. Utilize this cheat before battle to customize your Pokemon’s Nature, which allows you to get the most out of your desired stats.

Code: 6658C989 89518A0F, followed by Pokemon Nature code identifier.

Nature codes:

  • Adamant: C8CE1977 779F1AA5
  • Bashful: 5C43DDAA 02D3FC98
  • Bold: 5E7363AA 5D262877
  • Brave: EB200815 63938154
  • Calm: D090BDDA 1968867D
  • Careful: 5BFE17AB A5DC524C
  • Docile: 2C707820 9C67A3F0
  • Gentle: 7B499E06 77185F5C
  • Hasty: A79D2EF2 F82F5AF7
  • Impish: 4F71D6E0 699827D5
  • Jolly: 5769723D 1DA05C56
  • Lax: 2717EE59 7564BC55
  • Lonely: CD72C719 F2831689
  • Mild: 31D9195E 5DF03DCE
  • Modest: CA12F7A9 56873493
  • Naive: ED5B105D B88A30D8
  • Naughty: 2AC59EBF 40C4F367
  • Quiet: E7EC9FF0 70029AE9
  • Quirky: ADF48A64 04D2988F
  • Rash: 24775C3B A15419C7
  • Relaxed: 471AA96A 79ECA891
  • Sassy: EBA4E60F F5F19690
  • Serious: A8510C52 65C50481
  • Timid: 71296D0B D469AD70

Berry Cheat Codes

There are a variety of useful properties associated with different berries in Pokemon Emerald. You can use them to improve your abilities, heal yourself from poison, paralysis, and more, depending on the type of berry.

Enter 82005274 0XXX to get the berry you need. You can enter any code you like instead of XXX.

In the case of Cheri Berry, the code for this would be 82005274 0085. Pokemart’s buy list will begin with the berry.

Other berry codes include:

  • Chesto berry: 086
  • Pecha berry: 087
  • Rawst berry: 088
  • Aspear berry: 089
  • Leppa berry: 08A
  • Oran berry: 08B
  • Persim berry: 08C
  • Lum berry: 08D
  • Sitrus berry: 08E

Hidden Machines (HMs) and Technical Machines (TMs)

Pokemon Emerald players can teach certain Pokemon some pretty cool moves with Hidden Machines (HMs) and Technical Machines (TMs). The following Pokemon Emerald cheats give you a shortcut to the TM and HM.

First, use master code 82005274 0XXX and put the HM/TM ID in place of XXX. For example, for Dragon Claw, use 122. Once you apply the code, you need to buy the first item i the list. It will appear as HM or TM in your bag. You can use the codes given below to obtain HMs and TM of your desire.

Amazing HM and TM codes

  • Focus Punch: 121
  • Calm Mind: 124
  • Roar: 125
  • Bullet Seed: 129
  • Hidden Power: 12A
  • Sunny Day: 12B
  • Ice Beam: 12D
  • Safeguard: 134
  • Earthquake: 13A
  • Secret Power: 14B

Hold Items

Pokemon Emerald allows you to hold items that can help you in battle or provide protection for your Pokemon. You can get the item you require by using the Hold Item cheat.

To obtain the Hold item, enter master code 82005274 0XXX and replace XXX with the item code from below.

  • White Herb: 0B4
  • Quick Claw: 0B7
  • Mental Herb: 0B9
  • Silverpowder: 0BC
  • Amulet Coin: 0B9
  • Deep Sea Tooth: 0C0
  • Deep Sea Scale: 0C1
  • Focus Band: 0C4
  • Lucky Egg: 0C5
  • Metal Coat: 0C7

Teleport Cheats

The ability to reach a desired location quickly is very convenient when playing Pokemon Emerald. When you walk through a door, you can teleport to a specific location by using the following cheat codes.

  • Shard Collector's house (Route 124): CE4225D2 7BDD5C76
  • Old Lady Rest Stop (Route 111): A6DF8006 B219CFD6
  • Flower House (Route 104): 41509519 56FA6E47
  • Top of Sky Pillar: 37A21411 E441F3EA
  • Sky Pillar Entrance: C4338331 146F9E5C
  • Player's House: 6266061B C8C9D80F
  • Battle Frontier, near Battle Tower: D672577F BE1C6F7C

Miscellaneous Item Cheats

There are many useful items in Pokemon Emerald. When you require something, you’ll always be able to find it with the following cheats.

The item code should be used instead of XXX when entering code 82005274 0XXX. In the case of berry juice, the code is 02C, enter 82005274 002C. Poke mart will display your entered item as the first item on the buy list.

Other misc item codes include:

  • Leaf Stone: 062
  • Moon Stone: 05E
  • Fresh Water: 01A
  • Soda Pop: 01B
  • Lemonade: 01C
  • Elixir: 024
  • Max Elixir: 025
  • Energy Powder: 01E
  • Heal Powder: 020
  • Full Heal: 017
  • Max Revive: 019

Pokemon Emerald Cheats: Full List of Cheat Codes and How to Use Them - MySmartPrice (2024)


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